
red clover

We’re excited to announce a new comprehensive resource on our website that examines the scientific evidence behind red clover for menopause symptom relief. This detailed analysis covers five key clinical studies that demonstrate red clover’s effectiveness and safety profile for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Our new page, “What Science Says […]

Protein in Protein Powder Mixed Soy and Pea Protein Calcium Magnesium Vitamin D3 Vitamin K2-7 HPF-5 PLUS

HPF-5 appeared in Pumen Magazine! Thank you, Dr Tay and 普門雜誌 Pumen Magazine, for the opportunity! #biogrow #普門雜誌 Pumen Magazine #HPF5PLUS #hp5plus

Menopause is a golden opportunity of a woman's golden years

Menopause was like being on a scary ride for me. It brought a lot of hot flashes, sleepless nights, and mood changes. I wanted to find a natural way to feel better because I was worried about the side effects of common treatments. That’s when I found Red Clover, a […]


Dr. Jee explains in Bahasa (translation In English) , the relationship between the gut and probiotics. In this video series, he will be explaining in more detail, less understood facts, no how the gut, and your health in general benefits from consuming probiotics, be it from natural sources, or in […]

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